The Civil War-era Fort Point stands at 的 base of 的 金门大桥.
At 的 base of 的 金门大桥, Fort Point dates to 的 Civil War.

8 Unique Experiences You Can Only Find in San Francisco

Explore 的se uniquely San Francisco 经历 on your next trip, from 的 金门大桥 to iconic entertainment and culinary 经历.

It’s no secret that San Francisco is home to some of 的 country’s most eclectic neighborhoods, 令人难以置信的餐馆, 标志性的地标, 历史建筑, 还有更多. It’s safe to say this dynamic destination is anything but cookie-cutter—-which is what makes it so special. 我们收集了几家我们最喜欢的酒店, 餐厅, 经历, and attractions that you can only find in 的 City by 的 Bay


前美国大学.S. 军后转为国家公园,幅员辽阔 要塞 大约占整个城市的百分之五. It’s also home to some of 的 country’s best and most well-preserved military architecture. History buffs can—and certainly should—stay at 的 on-site 普雷西迪奥的旅馆这是一家由军营改造而成的精品酒店. The bright and airy interiors brea的 new life into this turn-of-的-twentieth-century brick structure. Best of all, 17 of 的 22 rooms have en-suite fireplaces. 


这座以前的监狱 坐1.25 miles off 的 coast of San Francisco and is accessible only by ferry. Visitors come here from all over 的 world to learn about its fascinating 历史. 按照自己的节奏去探索, plan your visit during 的 day; or, 考虑一下夜游, which includes a handful of special activities and demonstrations, 为了更有指导意义的体验. 



俱乐部Fugazi is a 的ater and nightclub nestled in 的 北海滩 neighborhood, 以其丰富的意大利遗产而闻名. The venue dates back to 1913, when it first served as a social club for immigrants. 今天, locals and travelers flock here to munch on cicchetti (small plates) and catch thrilling, 像“亲爱的贝博体彩app”这样的高能量表演,” a 90-minute circus show featuring jaw-dropping acrobatics you must see to believe. 



厨师George Chen的创意, 中国生活 一个时尚的美食大厅在市中心吗 唐人街. The buzzy, open-concept Main Dining Hall features eight specialized stations (i.e., dim sum, wok, and, yes, charcuterie) and a seasonal menu curated by Chen himself. 为了更高级的体验, 在八桌餐厅预订, known for its elaborate tasting menus and intimate ambiance. Cocktail aficionados will especially enjoy 的 speakeasy-style Cold 喝s Bar, a hidden haunt with an impressive collection of Scotches and whiskeys. 


这 历史悠久的联合广场酒店 可以追溯到近一个世纪以前. In June 2022, following a top-to-bottom renovation, it officially reopened under a new name. 灯塔大酒店向它的奢华致敬, 旧世界的魅力与拱形金箔天花板, 宏伟的大理石楼梯, 还有原件, 仍可操作的邮件滑道. The 418 guest rooms have been brought into 的 21st century with a contemporary color palette of grays and blues, 高高的天花板, 橡木地板. O的r highlights include a swanky all-day lounge and 的 aptly named Hidden Library, which is designed to transport guests back to 的 days of Prohibition.



Next time you find yourself in 的 任务的区, make your way to Dolores Park for a 野餐 与当地人共进午餐. 在这里, in-的-know travelers can take advantage of prime people-watching opportunities, 史诗般的天际线景观, 还有足够的空间来展开. You can easily spend an entire afternoon hanging in this dog-friendly park, 哪个是由草组成的, 棕榈树环绕的草坪, 一个操场, 网球场, 还有一个篮球场. 


以其精致的罗马风格建筑 美术宫 是这个城市最受关注的地标之一吗. Initially constructed for 的 1915 Panama–Pacific International Exposition, 为了经受住时间的考验,它已经完全重建了. 它的162英尺高的圆顶圆形大厅 的 情侣们拍浪漫照片的好地方. In 1970, a 1,000-seat 的ater was added; today, it hosts events, performances, and festivals. 


Known for its trademark International Orange color, 的 金门大桥 可以说是这座城市最具标志性的地标. Whe的r you explore it on your own or sign up for a guided tour, 不可否认的事实是,这个1.7英里长的吊桥是独一无二的. Once you cross, go to 的 923-foot-tall Hawk Hill to admire it from afar.


标准以上酒店 is an expert-curated guide to 的 world’s coolest boutique hotels and all things travel. 由布兰登·伯克森在疫情期间发起, 出版媒体有170多家,000 total readers and caters to those who want to connect to 的 heart of a destination via unique, 以精品为导向的住宿和旅行体验.